Friday, July 16, 2010

California and the Fourth of July

Having family in California has both it's advantages and disadvantages. The obvious disadvantage is.... my family is 800 miles away and I wish they were a lot closer. The advantage family is 800 miles away and we ALWAYS have a fun place to vacation and we get to visit some of my favorite people!
Because Chelsea is highly organized and planned this trip months ago, we were ALL able to get the time off from work and go to California. We had unusually cool weather for July, which put a damper on the beach, but we still had a great time. We had to divide and conquer...some of the kids stayed with Bob and BJ and the rest of us stayed with mom. She put on a great party for the Fourth. We ate, played games and watched the fireworks on the golf course. Our seats were great! We were close enough that we picking ashes out of our hair. It was a great show. We spent 9 days in California, but they went by far to fast! Thanks everyone for putting us up AND putting up with us! Here's a few of the highlights....
Watching the fireworks with Sean

My beautiful daughters in to be!Playing games at mom'sWave "hello"Frozen bananas on Balboa Island Bry, Bre and Steele at Michael Jackson's grave. "Go Crazy..."The handsome photographer Swingin' on the beachSteele and Sean enjoying the beach!Play time!

Oh...and did I mention we were also there to meet this little guy!
Welcome James Robert Hexberg!


chelsea said...

That really was a great trip and I'm so glad everyone was able to go! I like the idea of September for next year, not as many crowds and hopefully a little more sunshine!

The last Unicorn said...

What a fun filled trip! And I am so glad you all came to the hospital to see us. I would have been so bummed to have missed you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to visit! We loved having you all here! Sorry about the cool weather but you still got some swim time in.

My family blogs said...


Thank you so much for your kind words. I love that you read my blog, and I loved the chance to read your blog and get updated on your AMAZING family. Your kids look as remarkable and wonderful as their parents. I can't believe we have had the time to raise families since seeing each other! I Have such great memories of being with you, driving to California, your wedding all of it. Seeing you at my son's wedding just totally made the day complete. Thanks so much for that! Losing my little mom has been tough, but at the same time it was very sacred and put me in a place where I think I have felt "the peace that passeth understanding". You were always my "idol"- everything I wished I could be, and you still are! I sure love you and thank you so much for staying in touch! Have a great summer.... Judi Bourne