Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another Year Older...

..but you'd never know it!  Steele's birthday was today.  He turned 61!  No one can believe that...I can't believe that!  There is nothing about Steele that says "old."  You'd think that I would feel great about that, but I don't ;) I'm tired of comments like, "Now I forget, who's older, you or Steele?"  OR when we run into people that we haven't seen for a while and they say, "Steele, you look amazing!  You haven't changed a bit!  I can't get over how great you look!"  Then they turn to me and say, "Hi Nancy, how are you?"  Hmmm... There's a lot to be said for things unsaid!  I know I should be incredibly  proud to be seen on his arm, (and I am) but I always thought that the woman was suppose to be the "arm candy!"  Not in our case.  How am I suppose to be able to grow old gracefully when I am married to the man of eternal youth!  I'm starting to fell like Bella in Twilight!
What can I say...he comes from good stock.  If you know his mother, you know what I mean.  She will be 90 in October and still golfs a couple of times a week and she looks amazing.  I come from good stock too... My mom's incredible, but I guess it skips a generation on our side of the family;)
Seriously...This post is just in good fun!   I love Steele and I am so proud to be married to him!  He's not only incredibly handsome, he is a wonderful husband and father and I am very blessed!  So here's to my handsome husband...Happy 61st!


The last Unicorn said...

Happy birthday Steele! And I have to tell you Nancy, you look great! I have always admired how youthful and active you are. I hope I get those good Davis genes :)

Jimmy and Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Steele! All I can say is your boys have the best genes possible between you and Steele. They are going to look 30 at age 60!

Jimmy and Lindsey said...

By the way I LOVE that family picture!

Anonymous said...

Nancy, you look great, at least 10 years younger than you are. It must be living with no stress! haha! I know Steele had a great birthday because you always go way beyond the normal party. You are my idol!