Let It Snow!
After returning from my 70 degree "California Christmas," I made it home just in time to make Christmas Eve preparations and catch some Christmas snow! I had the best of both worlds this year....being in California to share Christmas with all of my family there and coming back to Utah to spend a second Christmas with all my family here. To make it perfect, Bry and Bre were able to join us from New York! It was the first Christmas in many years that I was able to be with ALL of my family, making it one of the BEST CHRISTMAS'S EVER!
I love this time of year... I love that we take time to remember and celebrate Christ's birth. ..I love the music, the lights, the tastes and the smells...even the shopping is fun when you (or your your elf's) find that "perfect" gift for someone special. It's "WII"NDERFUL!!
I have to admit, the thing I love the most is s
pending time with my family. It surpasses any gift that I could ever get. Watching our grown children continue in all the old traditions that have come to mean so much to all of us...making buttermints, watching our favorite Christmas videos, making Christmas plates, crashing through the "gift wrapped door" and fixing the lights on the Christmas Train! (OK, this is not really a fun tradition...but it is something we have to do every year!) We even started some new traditions...this year Bry and Bre started a snowflake cutting competition. The kids
made some beautiful snowflakes that we hung around the Christmas tree. I was amazed at how detailed they got. It's such a great feeling knowing that no matter how old our kids get and no matter how far away they move..they still love to be around each other...and when they are, they still act like children! Now that they are getting older and are moving forward with their lives, the time we have together becomes even more precious. I feel so blessed that we were able to spend the holidays with all of them.
Another highlight... after nearly 20 year of fixing lights...Steele's train made it on "FOX NEWS!" Happy Holidays!
now those are some sweet christmas socks nick has on!! I think it is so great that you guys made the news!!! I guess it was all those new LED lights, they all looked so great!
Yes! You guys are celebrities now! Cool! I have to say it was in deed a Wii - nderful Christmas, and besides that, it was really one of the greatest Christmas celebrations we have ever had. I know our trip there was short, but we sure had a wonderful time while we were there. I actually sort of missed pulling butter mints!
.....me too....;o)
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