Monday, June 18, 2007

Life's Lessons

It's true...raising four boys has certainly taught me a thing or two...some have been valuable lessons, and others have just been lessons in patience and endurance. But undoubtedly, my most valuable lessons were learned from my parents. They have been amazing parents and great examples to everyone who's lucky enough to know them.

From my dad...
- I've learned that a "clean ship" really is a "happy ship!"
- I've learned that you never really take a wrong route in life, it's just a more scenic route.
- I've learned that the "captain" doesn't necessarily go down with the ship, sometimes he goes down instead of the ship!
- I've learned that the captain's hat can stay a-float longer than the captain can.
- I've learned that Navy Pilots are superior to Air Force Pilots.
- I've learned that my parents generation really is the greatest generation!
- I've learned that the best naps are usually taken under a newspaper.
- I've learned that my dad's high blood pressure probably started with Steve Roah and Walt Webster!
- I've learned that I can't go anywhere where someone doesn't KNOW and LOVE Monte!
- I've learned that a "car dealer" really can be honest AND have integrity.
- I've learned that a dad really does have a soft spot for his girls!
- I've learned that in the worst of circumstances, you can still keep your sense of humor
- I've learned that love really does grow, especially after 60 years!
- I've learned that being raised by four sisters makes you a fabulous father and husband.

From my mother...

- I've learned that no one will fight harder for you than your mother.
- I've learned that you can be both "little" and "MIGHTY!"
- I've learned that I would rather be obedient than face the wrath of my mother.
- I've learned that when you get that KNOW you're in trouble.
- I've learned that if you say you're going to do something, you'd better DO IT!
- I've learned that Bob could get away with things that Sue and I couldn't even THINK about.
- I've learned that even though being a mother can be a "thankless" job, it's still is the BEST job!
- I've learned that mom's influence on me is carried on through my children.
- I've learned that family always comes first.
- I've learned that when I am hurt, the only person that hurts more is mom.
- I've learned that if you have to be in the want Alene in your corner!
- I've learned that I wouldn't be who I am if not for the love, support and example of my mom.
- I've learned that love is more than flowers and romance, it is also devotion and hard work.
- I've learned that I wouldn't have accomplished the things I did without a little shove from mom.
- I've learned that when you're young you think you never want to be like your mom, but then you realize you can ONLY HOPE to be half of who she is.

Thanks mom and dad...I love you more than words can say!

1 comment:

BreAnna said...

I love these, such a neat tribute to your mom and dad. What a great list of life lessons, and the best part is each one of them has dear memories behind them. Such neat people, who have touched so many.