Friday, July 11, 2008


Chelsea tagged me a while ago...I wasn't ignoring it, it just took me a long time to answer such simple questions...

3 Joys:

1. Looking forward to ONE day becoming a grandma!

2. Family Gatherings... preferably with food!

3.Roller blading along the beach in Sunny California! (While listening to my favorite tunes.)

3 Fears:

1. Tight spaces...yes I'm claustrophobic! ( When I was little, my brother and sister rolled me up in a fold away bed and it got STUCK! They had to get the neighbor to get me out!)

2. Total darkness

3. Loss of a loved one

3 Goals:

1. Completing my children's journals and getting them bound.

2. Overcoming my fear of flying. (Can I take drugs to do this?)

3. Completing my "re-certification" for teaching.

3 Obsessions:

1. "Kroger" brand sugar free vanilla pudding.

2. Getting my closets cleaned out and organized!

3. "Law and Order" (I know... but there's always at least ONE on TV)

3 Random Surprising Facts:

1. I want to write a childrens book one day...even if it is only for my grandchildren.

2.I started watching "Sex and the City" when they put the EDITED version on network TV. Even edited, I ended up changing the channel a lot...but I fell in love with the girls, their relationship with each other and the men in their lives. I haven't seen the movie, and probably never will, so someone will just have to tell me if Carrie and Big get married!

3. I recently found out that my parents thought I was the hardest child to raise! (This is understandable if you compare me to "perfect Sue"...BUT BOB?!!

I tag...Lou, Natalie, Katie, Lindsey and Nicole!


Me said...

Great list. There was alot in there that I didn't know. I love getting together with family too (and the food is always welcome). I will hopefully get to all my tags this weekend, so I'll try asap to get this one done.

chelsea said...

Wow! Nick and I were reading that and both of us found out a lot of things that we didn't know! That was a good one! Just so you know, yes there is a drug that can help you when you have to fly. Also, we had no idea that you wanted to write a children's book. That is so neat!

BreAnna said...

What a fun post, you are always thinking of others, even your goals are to do things for other people, you are such a great example!

kori said...

ha ha-I love the last part about you being the hardest child to raise-hilarious! And, I admit it, I am a sex & the city fan-if you really want to know what happened let me know.

Jimmy and Lindsey said...

So I guess I just barely noticed ya tagged me haha... my bad:) First of all in response to your X-Files neighbors that came with us liked it and had never seen the show before, but in general I don't think there is much there for those that aren't big fans! Second, I must say I too loved SATC when it was on TBS. Jimmy has asked me before why I liked it so much because of what you would assume it is all about, but like you said it is the relationships with the ladies, and I think Kim Cattrall is hilarious! ...still haven't seen the movie and probably won't haha but great show :)