Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Last One...

Wednesday we took what I hope will be our last trip to the Provo MTC! (At least for 18 years!) Sean left on his two year mission last Wednesday. This is never an easy day, saying goodbye for 2 years with limited contact, is difficult at best. But taking our last son, made it even harder.
It's a day of such conflicting emotions. On one hand, we were so excited for all the great experiences and growth that lie ahead for Sean, but on the other hand, two years is a very long time! What we will have instead is the opportunity to watch Sean's knowledge and testimony of the gospel grow. He will have experiences in the mission field that he cannot get anywhere else and they will be the foundation for the rest of his life. He will devote all his time and attention to The Lord, with no worldly distractions. What a rare and wonderful opportunity! So with that in mind, we dropped him off on the curb of the MTC, where a cute, enthusiastic missionary greeted him, helped him with his luggage and escorted him inside. It still leaves a lump in your throat and a hole in you heart, but it's all for a great reason! So we will anxiously await his first letter, and pray for his safe return! Adios Sean!

Ryan, Sean, Jared and NickSean and JaredSean and Ryan
Sean and Nick
Grandma Larson, Sean and Grandma DavisChelsea, Sean and BreAnnaThe brothers!
Dad and SeanMom and Sean


Natalie said...

HE WILL BE AMAZING! He's always been such a good boy (man) - great things await! Keep us updated, I'd love to know how he's doing.

BreAnna said...

Sigh. I love Sean, it is hard to think he is really out in the field already. He was just getting baptized when I meet Bryan. It does leave a little hole, but I think that's how it should be :o)

The last Unicorn said...

He looks so handsome :)
AND your hair looks so long! He will be a great missionary.

Me said...

Great pictures Nancy! Everyone loves Sean, and is sad to see him gone for 2 years, but I just have to keep thinking about what a great example he is for my kids and will be to the people of Mexico.

Linda Mott said...

What a great looking kid. I'm sure you are heartbroken. It is such a bitter sweet emotion to have them serve their missions. We feel the same way about leaving our grandchildren. We are excited but know we will miss our family terribly!